Monday, May 31, 2010

Mackinac Island

Me & Willie

Mama & Daddy
The Stone Church

Cloghaun's Bed & Breakfast

The "new" Round Island Lighthouse.

The original Round Island Lightouse.

Beautiful scene when we first pulled into Mackinac Island on the ferry.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Our Trip

Sorry we haven't posted on the blog in a while, but this week should make up for it. If you really like looking at pics then this will be for you. If not, then you may not want to look any further. :)
Our first stop was going to be the Creation Museum in Kentucky. However, due to the weather and heavy traffic we were not able to make that stop. Next was on to Bronner's (the largest Christmas store in the world) but when we got there it was closed. But we couldn't leave without getting a few fun pics. AND (Karen and Carol will love this) they were playing Christmas music outside the store! I loved it!!! :)

The next few are taken in the town of Frankenmuth MI

It is taking a really long time to upload the pics, so I will post the ones from Mackinac Island tomorrow. They are my favorite!

Hopping on board