Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I am trying my hand at couponing. Today's trip to Publix was a good one for a beginner. We ended up with:
2 cool whip (8 oz)
2 Red Baron Pizzas
Curly's BBQ Pork (we really need two of these)
Ball Park Jumbo Beef Franks
2 Ball Park Beef Franks
2 Betty Crocker Brownie Supremes
Reynolds wrap
Chinet napkins
2 Frenchs Mustard
Heinz ketchup
BIC utility lighter
6 ears of corn
2 metal disposable pans
Publix Tortilla Chips (penny item)
Total spent out of pocket $22.46
Total Savings including Publix sales and coupons $45.04

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Niagara Falls

Entering into Canada was exciting except for the interrogation we went through in customs. :)

Daddy did the majority of driving so he was pretty tired. After a quick rest he was ready to go!

The bridge going from Canada to Buffalo NY.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Mackinac Island - day 2

In case you haven't heard about our little adventure yesterday, I'll give you the short version. The four of us went to the island together, Mom and Dad came back early, we were going to wait and catch the 7:00 or 8:00 ferry back. The problem is that the last ferry picks up at 6:00 on weekdays, and we found this out at 7:30. Stranded on the island, just me and Willie, no extra clothes, no purse, no meds, no journal, no Mama and Daddy, nothing.......! I was a little panicked, (and I think Daddy was too, since he was riding around trying to find a boat owner that would come get us) however the Lord worked it all out for us. We got a room at the Murray hotel at a good price, then caught the ferry back at 8:00 this morning. I promise I did not make us miss the ferry on purpose, but yes we did have a great time! :) So here are a bunch more pics from Mackinac Island, now one of my favorite places.

Willie really like this house. It was very different and beautiful.
This is the same house lakeside view.

We never made it to that part of the island, so I just zoomed in to get a pic.

Fort Mackinac at the top of hill.

Fort Mackinac.

The streets are busy during the day.

The Bay View Inn.

The Chippewa Hotel.

The Inn on Mackinac.

The Iroquois hotel side view.

The Iroquois Hotel street view.

The ferry we rode, and missed.

Taxi Service - there are no cars on the island
Willie was panicking here, can you guess why? The little girl in the water and no parent around. We had to leave there, he couldn't take it. :)
Mackinac Bridge at a distance.

A closer view.

The Round Island Lighthouse with the light on. It only took five shots to get it!

Sailboats resting in the Harbor as the sun is going down. This was one of my favorite spots.

Mackinac Island State Harbor.

Another Harbor view.

And another. Told you I liked this spot.

The Grand Hotel.

A few tulips were still pretty.

In the courtyard at the Grand.

A couple pics of churches.

The next several pics are of lilacs. They are everywhere.

We rented bikes and had so much fun. I know, I'm a daredevil on my granny bike with no hands! HaHa! Scroll down to see the "real" daredevil. :)

Just gives ya goosebumps doesn't it?!!!

This was our room at the Murray Hotel. We were so thankful to have it. It would have been a cold night sleeping outside!

The streets this morning were empty and quiet. People were starting to stir as we left. The yellow hotel on the right was where we stayed.

Main street this morning.

Made a friend while waiting on our ferry.

And this is us, waiting on the ferry! Early, VERY early, we were not going to miss it again! :)

Hopping on board